Wednesday, September 30, 2009

boring and full of mess...................

This is just too bad

Midterm is next 2 week
and I didn't really study at all
In fact............
I am still in new and blur mood
oh my god

I am so going to die
save me!!!!!!!!!!!

just gonna try my best to fit in

maybe because too many thing happened in the beginning of the sem
that I didn't focus in study

right now
I should move it from some other place to study

max went into my psy 112 with me
he seem very bored
like going to fall asleep
i thought the lecturer is kind of funny
maybe he is too stressful also recently
rest more la dear
and stop worry about me
I started to miss you now

just keep talking some crap
cannot understand how come he can talk so many crap
I thought i am the crapest already
now i found the king................

And Sham
waiting for prime minister huh.................
what the..............haha

good night people
dear waiting for me to sleep
got to go

love you guy

without wax

Sunday, September 27, 2009

TO My dear, Hui san ,Yin jun and Sham


thing really end here
I am glad it end and hope same thing never happened
to anyone................
no matter which side are the person at
I believe it hurt both side

I want to say this to few person

Thank you for be there for me no matter what
always trusted me.............
Thank you for bearing all the stress and pressure
risk your friendship with everyone just to defend me
I am glad that our relationship is getting better and stronger after all the thing we gone through together
and this is what I want to tell you
I love you
and you have my full love and trust
This is probably the first time I tell you this
I think
We can have a long long long time together
I will work for it

Love you...............Muackz

Hui San
You are the second person who trust me in the beginning
You told me
our friendship is something that can over this and need not to care about this
I really appreciate that
You are the nicest person but also the blurest person
who easily bully by other
take care and
you will have me no matter what
and adrian also i think

thank you so much so much

You are awesome
I know you didn't angry of me because of what happened between me and the gang but what happened before that
but still
you choose to forgive me and let the past to be the past
i am grateful to have you and no regret to take you as my closest evil twin
but i said too many in the previous
cut it short
thank you for being there for me
and choose to trust me

I wanted to put your name in your favourite colour
but then
I realise I don't know your favourite colour
you are the first friend that I get close to except max
but also the first friend I lost in this whole year
We used to share the deepest secret of each other
and trying to solve each other problem everytime when there is problem
You also the first who say sorry to me............
I just want to tell you
I think we own each other apology
Sorry that I used to be so rude to you
acting so bad
making you feel like you been insulted and never work for our friendship
let hope
we can be friend in the future

that's about it....................

without wax

p/s: surprisingly Mr Anonymous didn't not leave any comment anymore, I like comment, dear you better leave me comment



I want to tell good new
I got my friend back
which is Jun

If you do know
she is very close to me

She is kind enough to forgive me the mistake that I made
I really appreciated that
thousand sorry about that

And also
sorry for acting like a jerk last time............

just to say this
I do admit I got bad attitude sometime
many times

I know I got bad temper
and I am improving in........but it may take time
so sorry if I still got my bad habit

I also admit I sometime cannot take criticism
but I am willing to make my move to change it.....................

I never hide who I am
I never intented to be drama queen as well

Sorry if i make you get me wrong

I just want to say the same thing a person said to me to a person
I trusted you so much and I am willing to take a risk
and turn out we disappointed to each other.........

I think we both learned our lesson............

last word
If somehow you say something to people and now turn out you are wrong
will you try as hard as you try to tell people about that something to everyone that you made mistake and clarify it?
Nixon say so....................
I think most of the people will say no too

I should learn not to care.................since there is no way to save it

without wax

p/s: I miss my dear...................

Friday, September 25, 2009

他们说 they say
因为有爱 because of love
所以才会感觉痛与受伤 that's why we feel pain and hurt

我说 I say
爱不是世界最美好的事吗 Isn't love most wonderful thing in the world
为什么会感到痛还有受伤 why still feel pain and hurt?

人在爱着别人时 When A person loving another one
是不是也在伤害别人 Are they hurting each other in the same time?

曾经几时 Back to those times
我是不是也在做着一样的事情............... Did I do the same thing as well

怎样才会相信一个人 How to Trust
怎样去伤害一个人 How to Hurt

不知道 No idea

我只知道 I only know
相信还是伤害 Trust or Hurt
都只是一念之间 Is all a second of thought

所以当你想相信或伤害一个人的时候 So when want to trust ot hurt someone next time


couldn't find any better word to put on title
date is the best day

Today basically is a good day
except one thing

they were pissed with the result
not surprise..........

I stop reading other blog
so that I wouldn't make myself feel bad too much

I got a surprise guest who leave comment on my blog
you know I like comment............

there is this one person told me that
I am self priority

I just want to tell the person
thank you for telling me this
and I will try my best to change my bad attitude so that I wouldn't be make the same mistake again
and be a better person
I am sorry if couldn't hurt you or make you feel bad before

I watched where got ghost
it is the singapore version of ghost movie
a bit scary
very funny
many lessons could be learn

should go and watch guy..............
if you understand madarin and ho kian
it will be lot easier to understand...................

without wax

p/s: without wax this word I got it from Dan Brown's book Da Vincci Code, read it yourself if you want to know what it mean, is a nice book anyway

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Last day of Holiday

Today is the last day of holiday
soon I will have to get back to the "faithful" world
with no accompany

I made mistakes
What I should do is
get back to the reality and do something should be done for the past 2 weeks

wish me luck

without wax

Friday, September 18, 2009

The End


everything end now

I see some truth
I see some true faces

all I can say is
don't always think what you want to do is right to do so
even it seem so right at the time
because you never know what will happen with the effect and also yourself

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

good day i guess

today is a good day i guess
max and me solve thing
not really solve it
at least things are fine now

I asked him
how many people did you told
I was surprise when he said everyone
of course
people think I am playing with him
not surprise about that

Your guy
think what you want to think
about me and him, and also other stuff
I should learn not to care about it..................


Monday, September 14, 2009

another bad day


I had a bad day today
she told apology wouldn't not help
I JUST WANT to tell her that
At least I truthfully apologize.................

on the other hand
I always thought that friendship is go through many problem and conflict and getting stronger stronger
but after this
I really doubt about it................

I really don't know that what I did deserve to be call turn my back on her.............
I just express what I feel like what we said

you still my best friend no matter what

a quato
" feeling of like would not gone, just that the person couldn't move on anymore"
It was originally for love
but I think it apply to any kind of like

Sunday, September 13, 2009

boring day

If your guy know me
then your guy should be surprise that I post up my blog so oftenly recently

basically is because of my evil twin
she keep bloging everyday so I become semangat also.............

is a boring day

except i went out with dear and Aiden again
for my lunch and their...........tea time i guess

I went to temple due to my mom request
when I said request
it usually mean order

keep praying and praying until i need lot of water..............

that about it...............
my day


Saturday, September 12, 2009


I just wanted to say

I am disappointed today
to a person used to be my friend and no longer my friend
to a person used to be nice and no longer nice

true fully think that
and i am

Friday, September 11, 2009


a friend of mine just post in facebook and said
sometime she really hate 11/09

I kind of
not only kind of
totally agree with her!!!!!!

I had orientation night tonight
I lost my phone yesterday
My two close friend having problem right now

and none of it i can do something about it

I am confused right now
I am frustrated
I am suck!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Early Birthday celebration awesome
I got friends and dear celebrated my birthday with me

in Midvalley
one of my favourite restaurant

For lunch

Dear was very nervous because he worry it will ruined this day
i really like it......thank you you

Of course
my bro and sis
Aiden and Yin Jun this two love bird helps a lot!!!!!!
thank you guys
love you two too

Ian,Aaron and Kenneth
thank for being there
It mean a lot

and 醒识
thank you so much for your dress
it was way being expensive and I own you big

since you say want a watch
I will see what to do

To my dear
You are really sweet............and really make me so touched that i wanted to cry
I love you so much
thank you so much for everything that you done for me
always be with me no matter what
no word can represent what I felt to you
no even love this word.............

is it sweet dear?

To Aiden and Jun
You two really mean alot to me
and I am really grateful that I have you two.......
thank you...............
I couldn't use more word to express it but
I love you two!!!!

To Ian,Aaron,Kenneth and 醒识
thank you so much........
I had a great day

special thank to Aaron and 醒识
for the gay thing your guy done
planning for annual ball

it was funny and really entertaint me

thank for the dress 醒识
thank for the choice Ian
thank for walking me and hope I didn't make you any problem kenneth!!!!

love you all................


p/s: I am waiting for my sis to send me the picture.........

Finally I got the picture
but.........why no one took the picture I making wish.................=(

Thursday, September 3, 2009

2 movies

I watched 2 movies today!!!!!!!
well done

the first movie goes to
The Final Destination

2 guys are so freak out and me and twin jun was laughing.......
this is funny situation

and the second movie goes to

frankly speaking this movie was cool and fabulous
even max enjoyed it...............he enjoy a love comedy movie
that is so rare..........

things happened
and get scolded by my mom
I should believe my six sense next time.................

there is so many thing i want to tell........considering it should keep it down
sorry guy

love you dear
love you twin and love you too aiden

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

outing with Max,My twin and Aiden in Midvalley

I got so manything to do today

get my ticket done by 10

my psychology class thing

Sell ticket

Tour for new intake student

go out with my twin yin jun and aiden and my dear

out of so many things
I only finish 2
which is 1st and 5th

I missed my class
I missed the tour
I didn't sell the ticket

and the worse is
one of my friends pass away

it made my mood terrible the whole day...............
and end up had a bad temper toward my sis jun, aiden and kenneth plus Joshua

sorry guys
specially to kenneth
scold me if you want to...............
I am here for you to scold

I was cool for today outing
we went to this very fun shop that everyone of us found something interesting in there
it was next to lego shop

we said that one for guy and another one for girl
pretty cool

oh ya
and we shop this wonderful CD shop
I wish to work there so much............
nice music
and confortable sofa............
nice lighting too

oh my god
my dream place for part time........
hire me please!!!!! =P

we ate ice cream too
I ate durian flavour and jun ate green tea
difference is that
I paid myself
and aiden paid for him

so unfair........haha

I got to say
the durian ice crean is awesome man...........
taste exactly like real durian
like you are eating durian
but in cool freeze condition..............

I send jun back
then my dear.........of course I spend some personal time with him
by kicking aiden out of the car

then finally aiden
but we didn't just end it there
we kind of chat awhile also

I miss my dear.............
even i was mad at him little just now

got to say

Love you sis
hope you enjoy today

Love you aiden bro
hope today delighten you as well

Love you dear
and I miss you

p/s: we had lunch in Mahanttan fish market, and we had this conversation with ghost and maxis
so we talk about what happened if I die
should I call them or not.............haha
end up two chicken aiden and max was a bit not likely to see me,specially when I said I want to show up in SCARY way..........
only my sis willing to see you
