Saturday, January 22, 2011

working on


let update
I am working on

1 my radio play writing
2 what to do to my BF
3 thinking if i should participate in the magazine thingy....just want to do something before i leave
4 erm........more times for myself and friends i guess

I found this radio play writing competition at sentul west
it is a British competition so English is the native language
I never write any radio play writing before so I am still struggling on it

it is complicated......and I really don't what to do anyone
let just see what will happen shall we

the magazine.........
well it was joe idea......
it's pretty interesting but....i think i shouldn't anticipate anything yet before that two guys really set up everything......good way to make them push themselve

friend time and my time
should learn to spare it up.....
after all I am human who live in the society

oh ya
the most important thing
I bought the ticket for this event call MACC Internal Affairs CNY Edition
which showing time is this tuesday 9pm.....
so late
but i don't care la
if my mom say no
i will still go
if me and my BF really break up because he screw up again
i will still go
after all.......I want to do something to make myself happy

without wax


At January 26, 2011 at 11:51 AM , Blogger chloe said...

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