Tuesday, September 1, 2009

outing with Max,My twin and Aiden in Midvalley

I got so manything to do today

get my ticket done by 10

my psychology class thing

Sell ticket

Tour for new intake student

go out with my twin yin jun and aiden and my dear

out of so many things
I only finish 2
which is 1st and 5th

I missed my class
I missed the tour
I didn't sell the ticket

and the worse is
one of my friends pass away

it made my mood terrible the whole day...............
and end up had a bad temper toward my sis jun, aiden and kenneth plus Joshua

sorry guys
specially to kenneth
scold me if you want to...............
I am here for you to scold

I was cool for today outing
we went to this very fun shop that everyone of us found something interesting in there
it was next to lego shop

we said that one for guy and another one for girl
pretty cool

oh ya
and we shop this wonderful CD shop
I wish to work there so much............
nice music
and confortable sofa............
nice lighting too

oh my god
my dream place for part time........
hire me please!!!!! =P

we ate ice cream too
I ate durian flavour and jun ate green tea
difference is that
I paid myself
and aiden paid for him

so unfair........haha

I got to say
the durian ice crean is awesome man...........
taste exactly like real durian
like you are eating durian
but in cool freeze condition..............

I send jun back
then my dear.........of course I spend some personal time with him
by kicking aiden out of the car

then finally aiden
but we didn't just end it there
we kind of chat awhile also

I miss my dear.............
even i was mad at him little just now

got to say

Love you sis
hope you enjoy today

Love you aiden bro
hope today delighten you as well

Love you dear
and I miss you

p/s: we had lunch in Mahanttan fish market, and we had this conversation with ghost and maxis
so we talk about what happened if I die
should I call them or not.............haha
end up two chicken aiden and max was a bit not likely to see me,specially when I said I want to show up in SCARY way..........
only my sis willing to see me...............love you



At September 1, 2009 at 11:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i paid for her not him
Ok half for him

At September 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM , Blogger chloe said...

same for me............cause nothing to with me............=(


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