Thursday, November 27, 2008

My long lost bro and CDD game


I skipped me EN102 class........
to join the CDD group.........
It fun!!!!!!

I found my long lost brother........calvin......haha
we are talkactive
we went for the same college
we got the same health problem
we kind of like got a lot similarities...........
till we wondering whether are we long lost sibling.......haha

we both end up calling each other sis and bro........
that was really funny

The truth is
We only know each other today
because of the CDD game
I don't even know him before that
of course
A lot of people too

I had a lot fun............
is enjoyable to talk to them

but my CDD skill suck!!!!!
got to improve......

got to chao.........
rushing my microecon assignment.......

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thing happened in octobar 9


I'm suppose to study
or have my dinner.........

but here I'm
Sitting in front of my PC and writing my blog

I read Hitomi blog also..........
Kepong blogger kaki?????
I want to go also
next time call me..........haha

by the way
how did you make your blog page in that way????teach me teach me!!!!!!
oh ya
hate to read your blog le...........
you make me feel hungry!!!!!!!!!

This is what I planned to post it months ago..........
but...............I didn't
anyway never too late doing it right.......

It happened in Octobar 9th
I took very long time to post it........
I know I know

This is what happened
That day
I went to Genting Klang
and had dinner there

my friend Sing cai keep telling me that it's not nice
but I refure to trust him
so I try that day

The result is
I didn't finish it

Not because of the noodle is not nice
it's nice actually........
but i got not appetite.......
Surprise isn't.....
In fact I actually vomit out later........

Some more I orger big punya..........

I drink something I'm not supose to drink
Lemom Coke!!!!!!!
damn nice!!!!!!!
Did i tell you Lemom Coke is my favourite drink........and vitagen of course

Before I waste the noodle
I kind of like talk to it
That's what I said:
Sorry I got waste you......
Later you will see your brother and sis in the rubbish bin
erm.........maybe not
if i eaten you right
you can still see your bro and sis
but in different way only.........
don't be sad
next time i will come again and finish you bro and sis...........

When I say so........
My bf actually laugh

I guess because the conversation(can it be consider conversation)is funny.........

Here is some picture about it
This is how the noodle and lemom coke plus......don't remember

The picture of noodle when I about to leave


Final is coming........
this saturday will be the first paper.......EN102
the subject that I feel no confident at all..........
sumarising and paraphasing take half of the total score........
I so gonna to screw up!!!!!!!

A lot of stuff happened lately
Conflict between me and the gang.......
That really make me feel bad........
I told myself not to think about
and i think i manage not to think about it.......the side effect is
I don't feel like going to school at all
luckily is last week........finish teaching
so I can actually find excuse to skip school and study myself

But tomorrow.......... really got to go for school
got to hand in the biology report!!!!!!!!!
I haven't finish drawing!!!!!!
what the.................
I hate drawing!!!!!!!!

At last
I decide to go for trip during the holiday
may be the last trip I could have.........
I was thinking A Famosa or Pangkok Island........
which one better

The most important thing is.......
I got no mood to study at all..............
When i mean at all
which mean
not even a little..........
thank god I finish study bio and Comp before i got no mood
EN102, moral and econ...........
sure die..........

Now i wonder why I start the subject that have last.............

No mood
My life still got to continue

Got to say thank you to my bf
that be with me in this situation
and sorry to make you so worry............

I gonna be fine

Monday, November 17, 2008

Things that I learned from fight

We fight again........

Not one time
but twice.......

First time
was because I claimed that he always late reply or i feel that he don't bother to reply me
perhap I should say
I felt myself been neglected recently
because he is really really busy about school stuff recently

Second time
was because I came home very late........about 12 something
and he is very worry about me

so........the end is
I realise no matter how hard I try
I still be the same when we fight

I will say something that will each other feeling when I don't mean to
I never give chance for him to speak out
I get angry easily.........

The most important thing is
not only we got different charatheristic
We always have a different view for one thing

he think that a girl going home in the midnight 12 something is very very dangerious
i think that same as him,it is dangerious for him to go home in midnight too
and seem he will worry about me......why doesn't he try not to go home early the past few times

I feel like even we don't understand each other view about someting,but still there is a need to speak it make each other more understand about each other
while he think another way round

that's why we always fight big........
because we got different view

I actually feel tired we always fight like that
I only want to solve problem.....not create more and more conflit
but always more and more conflit occur when we only start to fight for small ting little thing at first

Sound really bad isn't
then why are we still being together...........when we got different view for many things

Guess we all know
Because we love each other..........
no matter how much we fight
we still stick together

of course
I do learn something
as he said
I should really learn to control my temper
I felt breathless yesterday because of that
and we got a big fight also because of that

I realise something really really important
i told him
this time
he told me about
the one that I love is you
not your charatheristic
not what you did
is you
truely you
no matter how hot temper are you,how quiet are you
how good or how bad
I just love you
everything that meaningful to be is because all done by you
not the thing itself
you are the one I love

this person
not things or charather

I think this is the most important thing
for me
and him

a ray of life and death

I feel breathless again
yesterday night..........
I think he is really frigthen..........
I just off his phone in that way
Actually I really feel myself gonna pass off
but i guess still incomplete work to do......
so......another day spend in my second home
but manage to get back after
I threaten the junior doctor........and he is way being to nice to let me go

sorry aaron........
really really want to help.........
but couldn't...........
really really sorry
i know is very unfair for you
and i'm really sorry got to make you do all those stuff...........

thousand sorry to you


and ya...........
i promise myself i gonna to post something everyday............
i think my life seriously need to be recorded in someway
and post on my blog is always one of the best ways..........
another best way is taking picture.............

soon will upload about science fair......the biggest event of the year......i got only joined 1 event.....haha

most importantly
I am looking for a laptop
HP, Dell, Compaq, Sony,Acer........
of course more prefer HP and Dell.........yiyin gonna kill me........he is the big fan of Dell

I want a mobility size but a really good performance........
funssy isn't it...........
that's why till now haven't decide what to buy
any idea what to buy???????

Friday, November 7, 2008

cancelation of prom

I'm suppose
to go to prom..........but
long story

and sorry lao go
i didn't mean not to tell you
just never come into my mind.........
my bad
really sorry...........

Sunday, November 2, 2008

sense of belonging

Did you even feel like you don't not belong to anyone or place

Last time I felt in that way is when I was having a conflict with my classmates
which is year and a half ago.......

But recently
that feeling show up again........

I know people sometime feel that.........
but this is not something that I will feel.......

It sound very perasaan
I'm really good in adapt myself in an environment
find my way to enjoy in any situation

just like sickness
that feeling either come often but always in small
it come once awhile but once it really serious

my the second case

image you been a healthy person 1 and a half year
and one day you suddenly fall sick
that will be really serious...........

that feeling
is really suck
you look around
people talking,writing,laughing,even sleeping
they are so near yet so far
each one of them tend to connect to each other
just not you

you feel that yourself are the extra person
you do not belong any of the group
you even feel that you don't belong that place

do those feeling sound familiar to you
don't feel surprise if you do
that just how people will feel........
and you will never be the only one who feel that
we are all same in some way...........

I guess
I just need to accept it and over it..........

I do think that I'm losing myself slowly
did you realise that..............

my gang


Get to post something i should post in past few weeks

let me show your guy what usually happen in Microecon classess

Microecon can be say the most 'interesting' subject for this sem
Mr. Simic is a nice guy
but the way he teaching.........maybe don't suit me

most of the time I observe other people or chat........
pretend I'm listening but mind is somewhere else
sleep........happened once a while

show you the pic of my gang
you would see why I emphasize on Denesh this time

Yes........sure you figure out......he change his hair style.....become a coconut tree
haha...........but he put back the thing on his head a week or two later.........
The guy on left hand is Lee..........
and the red shirt lady who face been blocked by denesh hand is my darling Carmen

he actually reading.................surprising

From left to right,joshil,Steph and fang

This the picture that I really must show.......fang you naughty your tongue for what

oops.......just realise all everyone is in the pic

joshil,steph,fang,denesh,carmen and lee

those are the person that I hang out with in college

they are all sweet and caring......for denesh sweet maybe not,so do lee

but yeah

I enjoy be with them and I'm really glad that I met each one of them in my life



your guy are great.......never gonna forget your all