my gang
Get to post something i should post in past few weeks
let me show your guy what usually happen in Microecon classess
Microecon can be say the most 'interesting' subject for this sem
Mr. Simic is a nice guy
but the way he teaching.........maybe don't suit me
most of the time I observe other people or chat........
pretend I'm listening but mind is somewhere else
sleep........happened once a while
show you the pic of my gang
you would see why I emphasize on Denesh this time
Yes........sure you figure out......he change his hair style.....become a coconut tree
haha...........but he put back the thing on his head a week or two later.........
The guy on left hand is Lee..........
and the red shirt lady who face been blocked by denesh hand is my darling Carmen
he actually reading.................surprising From left to right,joshil,Steph and fang
This the picture that I really must show.......fang you naughty your tongue for what
oops.......just realise all everyone is in the pic
joshil,steph,fang,denesh,carmen and lee
those are the person that I hang out with in college
they are all sweet and caring......for denesh sweet maybe not,so do lee
but yeah
I enjoy be with them and I'm really glad that I met each one of them in my life
your guy are great.......never gonna forget your all
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