Sunday, October 25, 2009


Wow hoo...............
this weekend is the morst free time weekend I have for past few weeks..........
except went to temple with my mom..........

dear went back home this weekend
kind of miss him
the gang went to a lunch to meet gordon and went to genting

I did nothing but keep reading and reading just to hope i can finish my reading before any assignment start........

temple time was not easy
long time
from 7 something to 1 something
but still
it was a bit boring
i should say
plain boring

so guy
I wish you all enjoy your weekend
at least I do

good night people
love you dear
happy early birthday to sham
just to let you
I didn't not get you anything but only a DIY birthday card
love you as a bro

without wax

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



I need to clarify something
there previous post talked about how suck is friends when people try to find middle of the night
no one can be reach

is not
sham nor yin jun

is another friend of mine

and it doesn't happened to me
it happened to another friend of mine

please don't get me wrong

and sorry i created missunderstanding

Sunday, October 18, 2009

good luck guy

is a boring day

I am having terrible fever
dear is suffering for sore throat and preparation for exam

we didn't meet up for 2 days
miss him so much

for today and yesterday
I sleep till late
to the extent that i feels headache because i sleep too much

dear bought a new phone
and new phone having problem
he keeping saying want to go back and change
I think he best stay for study

that's bout it
boring right

good luck dear for your exam tomorrow
good luck guy for the exam
they are jun, sham, aiden,hui san, sam, jay, ben, chuck. sally, adrian, aaron...............
and many many

love you dear

without wax

Saturday, October 17, 2009


now i only want to say

it nothing different between we are fine or not
is it my problem
or they problem

I don't know
in fact
i think i should learn not to care

I wonder if they are good friend or not
friends won't don't even care to ask why i called middle of the night
friends who don't care if there is something urgent

I am ok

love you dear

without wax

Friday, October 16, 2009

14 & 15 of October

this two day
I think i got bipolar disorder

I am in a good mood and in a sudden change it to bad mood

people who used to close now seem to be more distance now
maybe because we don't study the same course anymore
it make me feel sad

and with Max
I don't really know what wrong
but just.........
maybe I am too stress!!!!!

I got 4 midterm paper and 3 assignment due date in this week
it kind of friving me crazy

wish me luck

without wax

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Anything but nothing serious


I just finish watching lie to me season 2 episode 1
and now watching house season 6 episodes 3
for your info
that two drama is my dear and I favourite drama
lie to me is about this super smart guy who can know whether a person is lie or not through body language...............pretty scary and cool!!!!!!!

while HOUSE
that is my favourite drama
talk about this genius doctor call Gregory house and his follower in the diagnostic department

dear wanted to watch it so much
too bad your network suck
if not you could watch with me

What I did today
spending time with dear of course
chit chat.......
kacau the gang which is jay and sam they all while they are doing assignment

oh ya
today only I found out Sam hate math..........
another math hater.............poor sam

help Jay in his study skill assignment..............
played some facebook lame game
go to resident and then Ali Maju

and the waiter in Ali Maju is not targeted on Sam from Max

Wanted to send sam back cause he is not driving today
seem like he still prefer to stay with sham......haiz

that's all about my day

tomorrow gonna be damn many classes.......

good night guy
love you dear......muackz

without wax

p/s: We went to MV again............i think we go too often recently, maybe should change to somewhere else next time

Monday, October 5, 2009

I am pissed

I am pissed for some tiny little thing
so for quite long
I never be so pissed
till no mood for blog

good night guy

without wax

p/s:cousin came back from NZ, will try to hang out with him more

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lazy day

I did nothing
eat and sleep and watch shows

I was overnight at my cousin house yesterday night

forgot to tell what happened yesterday
I wen to resident to be with my dear for awhile
and we played candles and lantern
because tomorrow was Moon cake festival
I think.........................

then i went back to my cousin house and watch shows and still up late
will upload picture asap.................

We eat Maggi and sausage for brunch
Pizza and McD for dinner
awesome right...............

just that I wasn't really enjoy sleeping yesterday night
aircond too cold.....killing me

Dear did something very sweet..................
the candle words
that is so sweet!!!!!!!!
I love you so much so much..................Muackz

and those messages
oh my god
I think I am most lucky girl in the world for having the best boy friend in world............

back to the topic
me and my twin sis got some plan
what is it about
hope it work out

good night guy
love you dear

without wax

p/s:forgot to tell that I vomit in my car when I was on my way to resident.....haha, max was so disgusted when he saw that plastic bag

Friday, October 2, 2009

Concert Ticket


I went to MidValley twice today
one for lunch
one for concert ticket

first time
with my dear of course

second time
with josiah and my dear

we eat again
josiah pop out this word
what your stomack make of?!!!!!!!!

what kind of question is it.........lame

we went to the music shop nearby GSC
don't remember what is it name
as josiah wanted to buy beyonce concert ticket
and he told how much he spend a month

I can only say
you are super good in spending money

I want to go beyonce concert also la
buy me the ticket
should ropped him just now

Some more he seem surprise when he know hotlink user can get 10% discount
he is so blur man

I am fever-ing again
what the..................."lucky" me

ok...........that's about it

good night guy
love you dear.........muackz...........
I will drink more warm water ok........don't worry

without wax

p/s1:sham................tomorrow 7 for breakfast class at 8 something le
p/s2: The tutor didn't kill me nor scold me.......she is so nice....i admire her now........hehe
p/s3:I think I am officially cure from last relationship...yeah!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

day without class

I wanted to say
I have no group for PMG101 for now
and is week 5 now
what a failure I am

Max didn't even study for quiz
i got no comment

what the heck is GKK sham?!!!!!!!!

and fourth
I am so screw
the tutor for PMG101 will kill me for telling her to slot me in so late
cause she just insult me in mail.........
wait till i see her face to face
I am so screw!!!!!!!!!!

good night guy
love you dear

without wax

p/s: good luck for those who has quiz tomorrow and good luck to me