Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lazy day

I did nothing
eat and sleep and watch shows

I was overnight at my cousin house yesterday night

forgot to tell what happened yesterday
I wen to resident to be with my dear for awhile
and we played candles and lantern
because tomorrow was Moon cake festival
I think.........................

then i went back to my cousin house and watch shows and still up late
will upload picture asap.................

We eat Maggi and sausage for brunch
Pizza and McD for dinner
awesome right...............

just that I wasn't really enjoy sleeping yesterday night
aircond too cold.....killing me

Dear did something very sweet..................
the candle words
that is so sweet!!!!!!!!
I love you so much so much..................Muackz

and those messages
oh my god
I think I am most lucky girl in the world for having the best boy friend in world............

back to the topic
me and my twin sis got some plan
what is it about
hope it work out

good night guy
love you dear

without wax

p/s:forgot to tell that I vomit in my car when I was on my way to resident.....haha, max was so disgusted when he saw that plastic bag


At October 5, 2009 at 12:14 AM , Blogger Lich King said...

abit disgusted,ok
wat secret la.....
n thank u

drink more warm water ok......
love u dear


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