Saturday, September 27, 2008

Biology Lab for 25th sept 2008

Biology is my Favorite Subject.......
I believe everyone who know me know that
my biology lecturer doesn't really like me
I guess because I'm too noisy in the class.......
I can only say talk is the talent that god give it to me......haha

get back to main subject
what i want to talk is my biology lab

I had my biology lab on Thursday
for the first time all of us wear the Lab Coat
but i didn't took any picture
too focus on my lab stuff

what we got to do for this lab is that we need to observe the mitosis process of plant cell
according to our lecturer
last group got only 5 in 30 people success........
so low percentage.........

but you know
i made it..........
praise me..........haha

the one i found
is a telophase......
which is the stage that DNA divided successfully
just wait to divide into two daughter cells

i guess only 2 of my lab class got it.......
and i'm one if it.........
so proud of myself............
I search till my eye damn painful
feel like gonna to blind then only find it de lo..........(if you experience it,you will know how suffer is it)

the only bad thing
I forgot to take the picture that everyone of us wearing the lab coat
but never mind
i still got chance..........
i can take it next time.......
if i remember...............
hopefully i rememebr
Have a look with my cell picture

The larger picture.............beautiful coulour right.....

can you see which two cells having telophase?!!!!!if you look carefully then you will see

i put up to 100x for the mircoscope.....just to show your guy my telophase cell!!!!some more two cells!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lunch with my gang in help for 20th sept

I write about this two days...........haha
josh asked me twice about it already
sorry know how lazy am i.......


let talk about September 20th 2008,which is last yesterday

i got computer replacement class that day

so........after the class
before the rehearsal
we went for lunch together............not bad right
some more is favourite restaurant
in BSC(Bangsar Shopping Centre)

i wanted to take a lot of pic......
but everyone seem not so interested about it
so..............i only took some

Let have a look with it

The light in every seat...........haha........old style light......

Denesh and josh........

My two darling.......fang and carmen....too bad the lighting is not good

our starter.............unlimited one.......but it taste spicy

my country fried chicken..........did your guy realise the chop is love shape,so sweet


tell more in next blog........

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lunch somewhere else today ,sept 23th,2008

we finally go somewhere else for our lunch

after suffer 3 semester from having McDonald(yes, trust me,it a suffer) Mama's kitchen, Ali Maju and KFC..............

Before went there
we had a small discussion about going to the place we used to go which is McDonald or try somewhere new...........

at last we choose to go somewhere new
eat char kuey tiao
some place new

can you image how sick of we are with McDonald and Ali Maju
lazy like us willing drive out to eat something new

The shop the we went yesterday is in Jalan Batai
next time bring your guy there.........

i want to go another time for rojak(don't remember the spelling)
forgot to order yesterday..............

and you know what
the most surprising thing is
Denesh as a Indian use the chopstick for food
and my darling fang use spoon and fork for the food

haha...........this is so unbelievable

don't believe me
there is a proof

Told you i got proof........
start learn how to use chopstick......haha
ok ok.........know you know how to use,just suck with it.........haha

BUt still
the food not bad......
it think i will back here next time for the rojak

p/s:i seldom this kind of cup took a pic

Sunday, September 21, 2008

september 21,2008.......

from september 10 till today september 21
11 days......
only 11 days......but i feelmore than that

all my bad mood come back again
Maybe because friends not around ....nothing take me out of my mind
so........i think it over and over again

I wonder how he overcome this...........

I know is very tough to get through this
i don't like to feel indefinite.........
don't know how long need to wait
don't know when you will get the answer
don't know what answer you will get....that's the hard part

and the way we get along make me feel worst
told myself to keep a distance but just couldn't
hate the feeling.....
being close can feel that's a wall between us

I thought of give up
after thought of everything
but just don't feel give up
maybe the time haven't come........

life still got to go on

I think i will feel better tomorrow.........
hope so

Friday, September 19, 2008

What happened

I bet we both never expect this situation will happened to us
step into relationship transitional period or 感情磨合期........
i thought this period never happened to us
still........i under estimate it

Somehow i think he is right
we seriously need this period to think about
think about should the relationship continue
are we really the right one for each other
recover all the memories about the relationship and start to figure what wrong with it

And you know what
I actually really think about it
think back all the past..........i feel that he is tough
cause i know myself is very self-willed ,hot-temper, and i'm not a patient person at all
i always think too much, the bad side of course
he always need to accommodate me,tell me that everything is fine,i actually think too much
he need to bear of my hot-temper
i always didn't give him a chance to talk or explain when i was angry
and i wouldn't wait for long
i get angry easily and i will mad at him easily

I always think that he keep everything himself,and i know nothing about his life anymore
because we don't study the same courses anymore, we seldom be together
cause HMC is a really busy courses

I know he didn't mean no time to accompany me
but i just feel angry
somemore he didn't tell me anything
i feel like he is in the different world
I think he think same about me also
but i never realise it before this period

all i think about is only what i feel and how i think
I never think about what he feel and how he think
I always lose my temper on him without thinking that he own his problem and also emotion also
but he never lose temper on me,except for once

If we put other bad in a balance
this is what happend

Me Him
hot temper like to keep thing to himself
self-willed never tell me anything(i think,maybe he did but is not enough for me)
No patient no time accompany me(not his purpose also,HMC student is too busy)
think too much
always complain
never think for him
only concern about myself
..........and a lot

my side is so much heavy than his
but i'm the one who always lose the temper and always complain
he is the one who always tolerance and console me
i never did that

he gave me too many sweet memories while all i gave to him is only argue,argue and argue

Maybe because he treat me too good till i forgot that this is not a sure

If we can overcome this time
I think i can do some much better
if we can............
I hope we can

I don't want to feel regret in the future because i never try my best to save it

it is really hard for me
I too get used to finding him
no matter what time,when
once i think of him
i feel like finding him
which i not suppose to do so in this period
i suppose to give us time alone to think and calm dowm

his attitude to me is different and i couldn't stand of it
it make me feel that i'm no one for him

I think i should learn from him
he seem very good even in this condition
he seem so normal like nothing happen,like this thing never bring any effect to him
he seem so fine even without me

this make my mood suck and bad

i still don't feel like give up
but hopefully he will give the answer soon
and the answer i want

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Birthday celebration 2008

my birthday is here
and gone
I'm 20 now
how fast time past

but this year birhtday may be the most unforgetable birthday i even had in my life
my love one give me a really big and sweet surprise as a birthday present
i love it so much.......

Time to show off........

About 11.40++ in 5th of september
I'm actually kind of mad at him
I keep calling him for the past few hours
but he either no picking up or sound busy
isn't that he should company me
my birthday is coming soon!!!!!

he answered
and give me really unexpectable answer
he said he is now at the street of my house

Of course
I went out immediately and saw him

when i walk to him
I actually couldn't think anything
my mind just blank...........

this is really a big surprise!!!!!!!!
Oh My God
I couldn't believe this is true........
he is really just in front of me
I really don't know what to say...........


the surprise isn't finish yet
at the back seat of the car
that's is really really beautiful and big Calla lily brunch.............
I feel like crying at the moment
but i didn't.........don't want to show that i'm 爱哭鬼........haha

My flower......very big,almost half of size of me,must be very expensive,thank you lao go

and then
he bring me to the front passanger
guess what i saw

A birthday cake
my favourite chocolate cake

somemore can see I love U.........sweet le

Imagine if your boy friend do that to you......
must be sweet and touch plus romantic right
that's axactly what i feel
I feel really touch and really really love him

But it not finish
the day of my birthday
I had replacement at the morning
so i gonna to meet him later

I waited the class finis
he still didn't call me or sms me
so a person hot temper like me get mad very quickly
so I sms him and say
'is that mean that we are going out for date today'
(doesn't really rememeber what i say but the same meaning)

I think he sense that i was mad(he knew i was mad cause he told me that later),so he told me that he is in the main campus parking now........

WHAT THE..............

I actually wasn't sure it is true or not
cause too much surprise.......
but yeah
is true
he is just outside
with a bouquet of calla lily
so sweet...........

and of course we went for date
too bad i don't remember to take any picture with him
haiz..........damn regret
but is ok
i will remember next time
take lot of picture with him

Sure your guy are very jeolous right now
I told me best and she was extremely jealous
cause hes husband wouldn't never do such a dramatic and romantic plus sweet thing to her

Even this may be the only experience for me
so what
i still lucky than a lot of people

the purpose i write this is to make all of your guy jealous........
so.............feel jeaolous

And of course
to tell Mr Lee Jian Wei that I really love my birthday present and
most importantly
I love you!!!!!

if you feel jealous
find one for yourself
but i bet you would never find someone like him........

another pic of my flower..........

my flower and me........larger than my upper body lo.......
he say the flower can almost cover me flower....i took a lot of pic of it......

but i only show some here,if not my friend all say perasaan

I'm very 臭屁 one de lo........who ask my bf do some much thing to let me 臭屁
