Thursday, February 21, 2008

House broken in

This is whatI wrote in 21/2/08
but I'm too lazy until now only I post it out
haha............what a lazy me

Let start it


Long Long time didn't touch my blog
I actually got a lot of stuff want to write about

Like Chinese new year stuff
Pray for "tian gong"

Family gathering with grandmom and aunt family

My house been broken in and that stupid pencuri stolen my laptop and phone!!!!!!!

ALL Those thing I want to write it down
but I couldn't find a time to really sit down and write
when I want to
My laptop is gone............

ALL my photo
ALL my document
ALL my song
Everything in my laptop is gone

I really want to say FUXX lo
but I'm a I wouldn't...........haha

I gonna to tell the story about my house been broken in

Still remember that I slept quite late the day my house benn broken in
of course not as late as The STEALER get into my house

Of course when I slept late I plan to wake up late also
but my mom totally destroy my plan
morning 7 something
she just step into my room and say "your laptop been stolen"
I immediately wake up and went downstair to check
my brain actually haven't digest the meaning of that sentence "your laptop been stolen"
what it mean? stolen?how could it been stole?

Many many question mark in my mind
but when I look at the place that I put my laptop last night
that's only thing left in my mind
it' gone!!!!!!


How could this happened to me
why is me????!!!!!!!

after that
My life still get back to normal
I still went to work and wait until finish working then only I got police station done my police report
I'm such a calm people.......self compliment

I went to the police station at 5 p.m.
but I went home at 7 something almost 8
then only I can say that is
they really like to speak a lot rubbish

and different police tell the different thing
which one I should believe......
no idea at all

and the police still came to my house and do the investigation
which I think the only do it to show us that they will do something

Of course
I do not put any hope that they will found my laptop

I got to save money to buy a new laptop

wish me luck for that


At March 13, 2008 at 5:10 PM , Blogger HitoMi Ng said...

gosh...i didn't know that your laptop was come you never mention de?

you are working still?? i thought you are now studying wo


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