Forgot when..........
I went to Putrajaya with my dad...........for once
I really like kampung girl get into city...........so xia sui............
If you never have a look.....I suggest you go for once
see how nice is our government office center is,it must costing so much for designing and building such a nice area.................
As I know
all of our government office is now local in Putrajaya
and most of our government officer is malay
so technically
denizen there are mostly malay................you know what I mean right?aren't you?
The environment is nice
trees,plants.......air condition there must be good
nice building,nice streetlight................even rubbish can also nice design
all the street and road is nice..........not collapse or damage
When you walk on the street
You really feel like you are not in Malaysia...........this is so not Malaysia
big street,organize place
less car,less people.................like no one there
you can only see some people walk around on the street
and the only place you can see a lot of car is car park...............
even the taffic light is not function
actually,no need function also.............no car on the road,except for my dad car
actually,no need function also.............no car on the road,except for my dad car
before I'm there
I thought that I will see busyness place
lot of people crossing the street,a lot of car driving there and here
but what I see is different with what I think
Compare to Putrajaya
KL is much more busy...............people and car all over there
you never feel you are alone when you in KL
there is always people beside you..................
I thought government move all the office to putrajaya is because to reduce the amount of the people and car get into KL
but it seen not helping....................
maybe they should come out a really good idea next time
Putrajaya still a nice place............look nice
don't believe me
Here is some picture to proof to you
The building in Putrajaya..............and you can see the streetlight is different from KL's one
look nice right,you will thought you in other country.....except for the people walk on the street
The rubbish can in Putrajaya...........I guess they try to make everything in there consistent
Pic of the bridge in Putrajaya......................took by side way
Still.................that bridge,this time took by frontispiece
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