Sunday, December 9, 2007


It is already half way of my holiday............honestly I don't really done something
except for sleep, eat, play, going out,and some seminar and camp to join

I just got back from a financial seminar
well ,it more like a combination of camp and seminar
It actually quite fun
I did learned something in the seminar
and also knew some new friends.......
won the game by being the top 8 of earning most money........
haha...................thank to my group member........if not we wouldn't not win...............
thank you Benjamin,victor and Fai.............and also thank myself

The seminar speechmaker is Micheal.....
don't ask me about his full name....don't remember about that

Micheal actually the main speechmaker
there is also other speechmaker:- Uncle Edward,brandon(not sure if I spell his name correctly)
Uncle kenny hold the position as banker and another one hold the position as the stock market employee.........

both of that is for our game

Here is how our game work
At first they will give each person 3,000 cash and a credit card.........of course not real one
you can choose to save it into bank or keep it yourself
you can use credit card will charge you 10 or 5 % of interest......
each time before or after rest you will have chance to draw life card
you may have to paid or get paid by other...............

After that..........they will separate everyone into 6 group
2 group 4 persons and 4 group 3 persons
each group going to form a company and create a capital account for stock market
you can only invest the stock market by using your capital account
which mean you can't use your own account
you can also invest other company if other company allow you to........

Each group will also need to do a propasal and present to the stranger
The stranger will give ranking about your proposal and also your presentation
the highest group will win a present........
they didn't tell us at first but we know it at the end,is a MP3

End of the seminar
they will calculate the total amount of your account
and the top 8 person will become the winner and form a team to take part in 7-9th march 2008 competition............

Through this seminar
I learned about Real estate and also Stock market
of course
about Futures and Option too............
knowing that real estate and stock market can never be your part time work
You have to put all your time in there if you want to earn money
of course
if you are success
you may not need to work anymore..........



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