Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My mummy brithday&school stuff

is a very important day
My mom birthday
40 something years ago
she came to this world..........and grow up into a lady
married with my dad
I,all my sis and bro show up to the world
Sure important la...........

Just want to wish my mom happy birthday........
all the wishes come true and always healthy

I love you mom



Study in school go library today
with Jian Wei,Jensen,and Yiyin

not only today
there is lot of days that I study in library with Jensen and Jian Wei
Yiyin not so often...................cause he is lazy

there is always something funny happened between our study time
seriously say
we actually spend almost half of the time to talk
got to depend what subject we study and how is the environment
and most important thing is
who is there!!!!!!

If Yiyin and Jian wei are there
then I sure kena bully de
or Jian wei kena bully by me and Yi yin.............but usually I kena bully more

If only me,Jensen and Jian wei
then Jensen will bully me
or me and Jensen bully jian wei
or Jian wei and me bully Jensen

but if Yiyin is there
situation will be more funny
as i told
he.............is a annoying and funny guy

here is some funny thing that happened today
got to write in chinese,then only your guy can understand

Example 1

we are studying math today.......cause tomorrow got math test
while we are doing math question

Jensen suddenly say:很難啊

then Yiyin ask:哪一題?

Jensen answered:等下先,給我想先

Yiyin say:到底是哪一題?快點講啦,我又沒有叫你不要想

Jensen and me blur for a while
after i got what he mean...............I start laughing and can't stop

it may not be funny when you read this
but it's very funny when I first heard it
don't believe......try yourself next time..........
next time your friend answer you in that way.......you answer the same ask Yiyin did

Example 2

Jian wei and Yiyin just making fun on me
then I'm so 不爽........so i just grab the tissue pack
and throw to them..............Jian wei so good guy,pass the tissue pack to me again
so I throw again.......for few times
suddenly Yiyin hold Jian wei water bottle.....and has the pose like moundsman holding a baseball
and also say some words
saying want to beat the tissue pack and run.............then he will win the game
he somemore say want to beat it then let the person sit behind get the tissue pack with his mouth...........

From this,everyone can see that
Yiyin is crazy de

Jian wei and me just keep laugh out loud......althought in the library
and everyone look at us..........
so ashamed are we that time

Now start to think bringing sound record pen to school
so that can record everything we say
there is no longer time for us to spend together,wish to keep all the memories we create........each word,every sentence,and the laugh

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