Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sick.......and Thank

I been sick for the past two days,today is my third day
situation didn't being better
yesterday is neck about feel bad
and today is the whole body feel bad
some more i vomit 3 times today
hopefully situation will be better tomorrow

Got to explain something to denesh here
denesh you domb
don't you know that my body temperature is lower than a normal person
so your normal temperature will be fever for me
what the............
i thought you know........
you are stupid wei...........

thank dude.........
thank for talking those thing to me in the morning
you actually not bad you kind of good in those thing le.......
and of course thank for come from puchong just to keep me company
some more i nearly vomit in your car.........haha
next really going to puchong just to visit your new house

and josh
i know you are busy today
but still you come for me........
thank you so much.......
and cheer up ok........things gonna be fine

your guy really sweet wei...........
i bet denesh will feel like kicking my ass when he read this.........right denesh?
you always say so.......but you never did it

you two
know that the secret must be keep right.........
what i say in the car cannot be know by other
if someone else know
i gonna kill you two..........

and thank fang darling(you know i got too many darling de la,got to specific)
for accompany for the lunch and carry the heavy laptop for me.......although i didn't eat

Tomorrow is my favourite biology lab........
but who gonna bring the alcohol for the spider?!!!!!

p/s:hope i remember to take the pic that everyone wearing coat.......


At October 9, 2008 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...

wei....u must take care of urself ok.
dont simply eat food now....u muz now what food to take in order to GET WELL SOON.


At October 10, 2008 at 12:01 AM , Blogger chloe said...

thank you darling

for taking care and concern about me

don't worry
i will try my best to get cure


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