Thursday, October 30, 2008

boring day in LS5

I'm now in LS5 and doing my power point presentation work


how the hell do i only show odd number slide?!!!!!!!!!!
anyone know that??????
tell me if you do

And ya
denesh finally found out my blog and read the part i said he is sweet
he say he gonna kick my ass later
got to leave as soon as i can...........
at least early than him.........=p

After almost die yesterday.........
I think the thing that I learned the most is that
always keep your mind in positive thinking
Just for your info
I'm a super negative thinking person
ask my bf
he experienced the most......

got to leave.........
denesh is leaving........


Monday, October 20, 2008

my life


I decide to post something........
to record my life

Morning i will go to school.....
and i did a lot of stuff in school....of course
like fighting with denesh and lee
and persuade my gang to let me eat things that I'm not suppose to eat
like.....McDonald,Pizza Hut
never success.....but i will keep trying

Sometime if I'm 'LUCKY' enough
I may need to stay in the school longer
because they wouldn't let my drive back alone.........

i will get back to IJN or my house
now most probably will be second home......
sound weird....but is truth

I will few times of chest pain and plenty of time that unable to breath
that's commom

that's my life
sound boring
but I actually had fun with my gang

I will just thing I want to do all the time........
hopefully i can make it....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sick.......and Thank

I been sick for the past two days,today is my third day
situation didn't being better
yesterday is neck about feel bad
and today is the whole body feel bad
some more i vomit 3 times today
hopefully situation will be better tomorrow

Got to explain something to denesh here
denesh you domb
don't you know that my body temperature is lower than a normal person
so your normal temperature will be fever for me
what the............
i thought you know........
you are stupid wei...........

thank dude.........
thank for talking those thing to me in the morning
you actually not bad you kind of good in those thing le.......
and of course thank for come from puchong just to keep me company
some more i nearly vomit in your car.........haha
next really going to puchong just to visit your new house

and josh
i know you are busy today
but still you come for me........
thank you so much.......
and cheer up ok........things gonna be fine

your guy really sweet wei...........
i bet denesh will feel like kicking my ass when he read this.........right denesh?
you always say so.......but you never did it

you two
know that the secret must be keep right.........
what i say in the car cannot be know by other
if someone else know
i gonna kill you two..........

and thank fang darling(you know i got too many darling de la,got to specific)
for accompany for the lunch and carry the heavy laptop for me.......although i didn't eat

Tomorrow is my favourite biology lab........
but who gonna bring the alcohol for the spider?!!!!!

p/s:hope i remember to take the pic that everyone wearing coat.......

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

midterm plus........things i want to tell you

Now is Tuesday,October 07,2008, 3.12 a.m

yeah.........your eyes got no problem
so 'early' and I still haven't go to sleep

I actually studying my CS101 which is computer for my midterm tomorrow
you must questioning
then why am i posting blog

I'm really sleepy
so............i got to find something(except for studying) to do make myself awake
then continue study...............

This is week 7.......which mean this semester already gone through half
first 7 weeks is makan kacang compare to the next 7 weeks
Look at what I have for week 7-15

assignment for bio,english,moral,microecon.......(thank god computer got no assignment.....ooops,but we got lab tests......shit)

midterm...........(that remind me of computer midterm tomorrow)

quizes............(when is our next quiz????)

report........hand in next week(i lose my report book and i got to redo all!!!!)

tutorial work(paraphasing and summarising is the toughest and hate it)

not to

my piano my student exam...........(and my 17 pages left assignment!!!)

But still
not as busy as you Mr Lee.......(1 question,is Ryan you English name?I only realise it just now.....somehow my brain only realise it actually can be name.....haha)
feel like cursing your lecturer.........haha
i change my mind
you lecturer only follow the schedule
so i will curse the one who make up and decide the schedule..........
who is it????


I guess October is not my lucky month..........
it should be my unlucky month
i just thought of that last year October
i actually gone through the same thing as i going through now.............
just this time tougher......way more tougher........

think in another way
i used to suffer from it.......last year Octobar
did i still feel so now?

I can actually look at him face to face and talk to him
just like normal friend..........
like nothing happened

is it because i'm too forgetful.......
because I'm well being and happy for the past 1 year.....thank to someone.........and you know I'm talking about you right......

i suppose to inspire myself..........not keep mention that how good is him........
keep mention only keep reminding myself how good is him......(then i will damn regret and start to think too much......come back come back)
and it only make harder for me to keep ordinary on it

My main point is
although it is hard and tough now
and yes
I feel damn damn painful and feel sad
I know it will be extremely difficult for me get over it
time is the cures for it
life will still go on no matter what..........

no matter how tough ,how hard,how bad ,how sad
I'm sure i will still get over it.......someday,somehow

If i really got to let go and get over it

feel free for your decision............
do what you think is right

to you
also to me............

do you mind telling me the answer on december 15?
I didn't mean to rush you
just want to know the answer before...................too late
why too late?
let me keep a secret...........hehe

seriuosly got to get back to my study

Steph and Fang
can i just copy your answer tomorrow?????
I'm really damn sleepy now...........

Hate midterm............

by the way i finish the post is already 3.40 a.m

p/s:is it no one reading.......or everyone is lazy to leave comment......i want comment!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

what to write?

IS me...............(of course blog le.......who else)

lazy me...........
busy doing my no time to update the blog

i think i should write down something.......
so that when i look back there is something for me to see..........

i realise something interesting.........
i only wrote 6 post in September...........and now the number is 9 6........
same with my brithday le.............

i didn't do it purpose..........just happened
so lucky.................
i just realised today.........i take it as a good sign........

don't believe me?
trust me la.............
you don't i don't lie de lo.............
this time is really destiny..........haha

i just follow what god want me to do...........

don't jealous........
he just love me........

of course..........he love everyone........according to matter what god do you believe

give me so many bad experience which come from bad thing happened this year
just to make me be more mature and wisdom.......
of a better person

i know must be like that..........

so that people around me will feel good when i become a better person
isn't good...........

jia you lo...........
i think he did it to everyone..............
and we should feel lucky somehow
at least we should capture his attention.......

show you the pic about the 9 and 6.............

pic doeasn't show that clear...........go read my blog
then you will see..........

oh ya.........
can your guy leave comment........
i like recieving comment
from anyone
bad or good