Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lost and Found

as usual
I went to library study and stay for whole day
and borrow some books

after all
I drive to home................and never realise missing something

after i finish shower
and thinking of sms
then only I realise my phone is not here
not in the house
no inside my bag
not inside my pocket
I try to call and see
the phone is ringing but no one answering
so it should be good new
i mean
if the phone is stole by people
it will no ringing anymore


I immediately drive back to school and hope and reach library before the library close

this is the first time I speed for that fast
140~150 km/h i think
usually need half hour to reach school
that time i only us 10 minute
your guy sure can imagine how fast is it.......................

it still too late
when I reach there
the library already close
I try to ask the security guard
but no one found it

I still put fully hope
I just feel that I can find my phone
the only thing i got to do
is wait
wait until tomorrow morning and be the first get into library

this year mooncake celebration is the longest i had.................
but i still enjoy.........he last my cousin stay,he going back to US tomorrow

Early the morning
after sending my cousin to airport(he is driving actually),and giving a hug to him
I went to the school
and wait outside of the library until the library open
I check the place that stay by yesterday
ask the officer whether someone found it and give to him
check with the guard too..................

All the answer is NO
my lastly hope
student affair department
also no one found it


until that moment i still yet didn't feel that I phone lost
I just got the feel that it's somewhere around me..........just i couldn't find it

we report to the student affair deparment about my lost
and I start to feel desperate.............start to think that I will never find it
when ZK say go to the car and check again
I just follow him

the only I can say is
he really a smart guy
know where to search

when he said he found money
the first thing in my mind is..............what the money to do with my phone
but when I look to him,he is holding my phone
my phone is just under the front site
I can't believe it's true!!!!!!!!

I just keep shouting................I'm too happy and surprise
if I got cardiopathy...........I sure heart attack

I really glad that I found it...........I got a lot memories in there


I really appreciate about your help.............

the end of the story
happy ending



At September 27, 2007 at 11:07 PM , Blogger HitoMi Ng said...

girl...don't drive so fast man..
you would definitely bang into something if you do not pay full attention or take full precaution

by the way, you just misplaced your hp and thought you lost it in library, dont you??

what a dai tou ha you are!!
never see properly before you zoomed to the library??

At September 28, 2007 at 7:22 PM , Blogger chloe said...

I know.............driving too fast I feel dangerous also
probably no next time lo.....lucky that day no police
if not I will get my second saman again..........haha

you also know I dai touha de's under the
front site
how I know............i'm too worry until didn't find detail


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