Friday, November 13, 2009

For you, you know who are you..................

I am now here in Wisma Help Level 9, waiting for Help desk to open
so that I could print out my assignment and hand it in as soon as possible

Someone really make me upset recently
She turned herself from a very responsible person to such a irresponsible person
and it is really frustrating........

this thing not happened only once but also many times
first she skipped meeting
then she promise she will come but she didn't
email her to come for rehearsal. she said she is sick so she couldn't come
so I said, ok but you must come for Tuesday last rehearsal and the show
she said yes, no problem

On Wednesday
an hour before the show
after I called her so many times
she called max
instead of me
she said, sorry for not coming, because she went out with her friend
if we want her to come, I need to fetch her now

screw her la!!!!!!!!!!!!
told you come for rehearsal, you didn't come
last rehearsal also you never come
never pick up the call
inform in last minute

what the heck................
since when you become like this
you complained about your malaysian study groupmate about this
you are not doing this

screw you seriously................

I never really write these thing on my blog
but you really cross the limit

if you really don't want to come
just say you cannot make it
instead of keep delaying it

this is too much you know.............


At November 14, 2009 at 2:24 AM , Blogger JIAbii said...

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At November 14, 2009 at 2:29 AM , Blogger JIAbii said...

well, i know who were u mentioned ... on wed i asked whether wanna have lunch with me onot ... then she told me got annual ball meeting from 1pm-2pm ... eventually she went out with her frens ... damn it~

At November 14, 2009 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

do u all ever think that u all r always right?
do u all ever think that y such situation will happen?
do u all ever think that she is really cant make it?
do u all ever think that it is too much for her to stand with all these unexpected situation?
so u all ever think that actually she really lost herself n she really really dun noe how to do?
do u all ever really spare ur all mind of her?
do u all ever think how tough is it for her to face ur all unstable emo?
do u all ever think of the reason y she did so?
is it all because of her fault?
or u all also need to share part of the responsibility?
do u all noe that how many tears she has dropped juz for both of u who she do really care n treat u all as a sincere n true friends?but wat she got n received from both of u is sad , sad n sad! is it she deserved all this?!!!till now, i think she havent figure it out!!!!!

p/s:do u noe that friday morning she got accounting quiz (15marks) n she havent study yet n she juz came back from the three days two night camp n she was sick until now she cant ever recover from her ill since last friday? 1 week ady, do u noe that she w\still suffer with the damn stupid ill?!!!!u noe that day she studied until 4am sumthing n fall into a more serious ill after that day?n she lied to her parent that she was fine but the fact is she was not! do u ever noe that she kept feeling uncomfortable n sad n guilty n keep asking her friends how to do n wat to do juz becoz of she broke the promise she have make with u?!!!U DUN NOE!!!do u ever try to stand at others point of view to think of it?if she really like that person that u mentioned, i wont think she will call him n explain to him ..

p/s:do u noe that that day when u ask her for lunch, she really need to attend the meeting?n do u try to figure out y at the end she din go for the meeting instead of going out with her friens?do u really noe the reason behind this?U DUN NOE!!!!n now u r hurting her so damn deeply, do u ever noe that?!

At November 14, 2009 at 7:07 PM , Blogger chloe said...

well anonymous

I never said I am right for all the time
but in this time
could you blame me for saying this word

you said she really cannot make it
but don't think she should told me about it

whether she lost herself or not
I did not know
because we don't talk much now
are you going to tell me that
her action toward this thing is responsible?
she could just tell me in early
instead of just did this to me in last minutes
don't tell me she couldn't tell me in first place because she doesn't want to hurt me or make me upset
so now she didn't hurt me or make me upset is it.

she treat me as true friend
yes she did
but so do I
just because I don't drop my tear doesn't mean that I am not sad

and you are right
I don't know both of your p/s things
because she never tell me
and do you really expect me to know all these when she is not telling anything
is that my fault again?!!!!!!!

p/s: did you ever know that she hurt me damn deeply as well

p/s: ask her did she ever try to explain to me and you told me think from her point of view, did you or her did?

I also haven't figure it out

At November 14, 2009 at 7:13 PM , Blogger Lich King said...

1 question i wanna ask. izit so hard 2 msg 2 me "hei max, i'm sick, so i cant help u at all" if u say so, we wouldn't wait for u until dat last 1 hour time. Chloe did send c u the email rite? did u read dat? i presume u did. so, IF u did than cant u reply "hei max, i'm sick, so i cant help u at all" i'm happy if u tell me u cant make it even if on dat wednesday itself. but u tell me on dat very last 1 hour. i was not happy at dat time. but i did keep myself cool n go in the conference hall where 8-10 ppl waiting for u n tell dat "ok there r 2 choices; 1: the another girl which should come right now can come if v fetch or 2: we jz move on" guess wat did jian said "screw her la" I as the president which i admit is not good in trying 2 run this club perfectly like how u guys wan me 2 tried his very best 2 bring u here. i ask chloe, my secretary "try 2 call her again" "email 2 her ask her 2 come" i dun think any president have dat much of patient 2 wait his member 2 come until the very last minute. yes i know u have no interest in anime n u join for the sake of me. i really appreciate dat. hei, i even call chloe 2 call u for my birthday celebration. i'm sorry for not calling u for chloe's birthday until 2day i dunno how 2 say sorry 2 u. i'm really sorry for dat. but i try 2 make up by asking u come 2 celebrate with me. u have been very kind 2 me for this whole while. n yess everyone do some mistake. but something u jz gotta sms 2 dat person even if u r sick n jz say i'm sorry. i dun think dat is hard rite. yes is hard for me bcos i din invite u but dat is a birthday celebration which i did not get from u asking me " Max i wanna attend chloe's birthday celebration" instead this time v ask u countless of time. n is like 1 week.

right now i'm not trying 2 accuse u,i'm sorry if i do dat. i'm jz trying 2 use ur point which is "y not u try 2 stand my point n chloe's point" dats all

if u wanna clarify something pls feel free 2 talk with me on msn. i am always there 2 do talking

Max, Tan Wen Keong

At November 14, 2009 at 11:32 PM , Blogger JIAbii said...

well Anonymous ...
do u ever think that im hurting by her so so much ...
plz dun not juz listen 1 side ...
in fact u dun noe wat happened between us ...
SO can u juz plz stop commenting ...
blog not a place for u to scold ppl w/o knowing the fact ...
is a place for blog owner to write out their feeling ...
she can really act differenly in front of me and others ...
but u DUNO ...
plz shut up ...


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