Monday, May 25, 2009

Genting Trip

School Started 3 weeks ago

LIFE begin busy

and I am getting lazy

FEVER still not yet gone........
kind of get used to it
just not sure I should be grateful or..........sad

went to genting last weekend
not as fun as I expected
but it was nobody fault except my fever.......haiz

it was fun.....and crazy
met my friends who long time didn't keep in touch and of course DERRICK!!!!!!!!

Not sure was because of my fever or this was the first time we both went for vacation without Justin.......BOTH of us kind of.....don't seem fully enjoyed in it

or I was over sensitive.........

we did quite lot of crazy stuff....maybe not for them
but for me
a patient.....definitely!!!!!

Wearing a short pant and short sleeve shirt, ate air-cream at 3 am..............
Can you imagine how COLD it is~~~~~~~~~~~~
my body was shaking and I barely feel my body part

and all of them
derrick, wei xiang, kit wei and west
they all looked so normal............
I wonder is it because they got lot of fat to burn........
that make the theory of fat people are better survive in cold condition.......
not because I am weak ok!!!!!!!
because your guy a FAT!!!!!!!
hear that guy~~~~~

of course.....we wouldn't skip all those scary facilities
which I personally felt that it was a way of human creation to torture themselves
I and fear of it in the same way like it.........
I am really a person with conflict personality.....haha

Oh ya........
I somehow managed to finish and correct my CTS presentation slide and PSYCHOLOGY reflective writing
I did it during Saturday and Sunday morning
and get scold by other of them with different reason

Derrick: sick some more don't go to sleep.......can't you do it when you get back?
Wei Xiang: What the........who ask you to bring work to do.......distraction for holiday mood
Kit Wei: Miss chloe, must you use my laptop to do your know we plan to watch ghost movie at night right.....(of course I know, that's why I use yours.....)
West: seriuosly, you did a lousy work you know, let me do for you.
: No?!!!!!why, then you can score high......let me do really dumb la

who cares what your guy say
I still managed to get it done right........
you know that you always win.....haha

that about it.........

will try to upload picture later
if Kit Wei remember to send me the pictures and I am so hardworking to upload it.....


At May 27, 2009 at 11:40 PM , Blogger Luther Lee said...

wat i wanna say is...
yor blog is too long ...
and it's not in chinese
so i m lz to read it


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