Thursday, September 30, 2010

What's wrong

Wake up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep again

been feeling tired recently and it's so obvious that friends and family start to concern about it
I don't quite know what wrong.............maybe I do
it just feel helpless
i guess that's what we call self helplessness disorder
weird thing is
I did not go through anything that is tragic or dramatic for quite some times
so...........I don't quite fit the profile.......

what's wrong?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

For the day to come

Once again

I really only here when I needed somewhere to write something

as time passed longer
I started to wonder what am I doing.
I getting more and more confused
the only thing holding me is.........don't know
even I myself couldn't figure out

there is complication in this incident
and no matter what decision I made I have to lose something and gain something
as Chinese always said
you have to let go what is in your hand in order to hold another thing

One good thing is that
through out this incident
I become more mature
I can almost control my temper to so perfect that no one could even realize
only almost..........but I am working on it
hopefully it will help in my future

I learn to be think wise
like really wise
knowing what to said and what not to said
most of the time
only most of the time

I learn to give and take a break
used to be so hard for me
because I always want like to settle thing immediately

I learn to take risk
making decision even knowing it could hurt you badly

The only thing I am learning now
is let go

Once I learn that
I can officially graduate...........

Congratulation to miss Chloe Yap Yan Qi
who completed all the lesson and here is the certificate

I can't wait for that day to come
I know it will be a very sad day
is a achievement of mine that finally grown up
and at that day
I will put the brightest smile on my face
saying thank you to everyone who help me through out the journey
for good and for the bad

I wait......................
for the day to come........