Wednesday, August 5, 2009

thing happened recently........

Lot of thing happened recently

as you could see in the title

Too many till I wonder what is the real meaning of friendship
and how to know whether a person is telling the true or not.......

How could someone said he or she is quite good with a particular person
then he or she can said himself or herself not close with that particular person
what a big lie.........

I am now in a moral dilemma.........
my CTS lecturer gonna be so happy if she see this
apply CTS in real life haha.............

I was wondering whether i should talk to that person about it or not
i don't whether it(lazy to type he and she so i will use it,Aaron don't penalize me =.=)
i don't know whether it is acting or really don't know
but it didn't seem to has intention to talk about it to me

should i just let it be
or work harder for it???????


At August 31, 2009 at 10:36 PM , Blogger Lich King said...

cts again


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